I like to check for prices at pricescan or Google Product Search (which used to be called froogle). You can look at categories of items or enter a model number to search for prices. Nervous about buying online from an unknown company? Check them out first at the reseller rating site.
Places to Find Deals
Not sure what you're looking for, but like good deals? I like to see what the current Woot is (this is a site which offers one item every day, starting at midnight Central time, with a flat $5 shipping). I also like to check techbargains, which tries to put together a list (contributed by internet users) of all the good deals to be found on the 'Net. There are also several sites that offer coupons which could reduce prices at general sites or on brands (rather than specific items). For instance, one such site is the techbargain coupon site, and there are others (which I'll add as you make me aware of these or I remember them).
Places to Buy Stuff
A few places I've found to be reliable and worth my business because of price and service include
- Newegg, which sells all sorts of electronics and computer gear
- BuyDig, which is a bit more oriented to photo and video gear but also often has the best price on other stuff
- B&H Photo and Video, which is a terrific source for all sorts of professional (and amateur) photo, video, and audio gear, as well as other stuff. They generally are not the cheapest (although every now and then they are) but they have a GREAT reputation
- CompGeeks, which has some electronics but is more computer oriented, and often has excellent prices on close-out gear. A hint: on most items you can save 10% by entering "techbargain" or "techbargains" in the coupon box (can't remember which: leave me a comment if you find which one works and I'll edit this post).
I would prefer it thematic. That way I only need to find the topic and everything will be together.
Either blog structure is okay but thematic would be good considering the scope of likely subjects. Also, I have found that once blogs grow in size, having a 'search text/phrase' capability is really nice to find specific subject items; many of the techie blogs use this approach and it would be nice if blogspot makes this kind of resource available to the site.
Dave Kersten
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