Welcome to the
Tech Roadshow
Tech Roadshow
Welcome! This blog will originally created to aid with the LEAD Seminar: Technology, presented by the Northwest Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God. Besides distributing and augmenting the information generated during the session, I envision it becoming a resource for a much broader community. A blog makes the information more available and easier to update, offers convenient access to the sites mentioned, allows you to be a part of the discussion and us to help each other, and it's also good stewardship, saving a chunk of a tree or two. Besides, it's just plain cool!
I'll be doing a thematic blog, which means that each entry will be associated with a specific topic rather than simply journaling what is happening that day. Small editing changes will simply be done in place, which means that if you're doing an RSS feed you may not see those changes. Major changes and enhancements will be noted by deleting the original entry and creating a new one, which will show up as a new item in your reader.
This is NOT an official communication of the NW Ministry Network or of my employer, Northwest University. It has been set up by Waldemar Kowalski for the convenience of participants in the LEAD Seminar and to benefit anyone who is interested. NU as well as the NW Ministry Network bear no responsibility for the contents of this blog nor any consequences resulting from use of information posted here. Yes, this is indeed the Small Print.
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